Money Tree Set 20008 DIY: Easy Starter Guide

In this article, I'm going to show off the versatility of this set and throw in some DIY ideas and tricks to make your Money Tree uniquely yours.
JMBricklayer JMB-Money Tree 20008 Set DIY Guide-Featured Image

Table of Contents

A month after introducing our Money Tree Set 20008, we stumbled upon a Facebook post from a fan. And guess what? The pic in the post was of our Money Tree set! Well, sort of. It was a different kind of potted plant, DIY-ed using parts from this set.

This fan’s ingenuity really got our gears turning. I spent some serious time exploring more shapes and forms it could take. And now, I have come up with no less than ten different potted plant designs. In this article, I will show off the versatility of this set and throw in some DIY ideas and tricks to make your Money Tree uniquely yours. Don’t have one yet? Just grab yours and start a regular project first!

The Growth Journey

Sorry not sorry, but I ruthlessly yanked out the Money Tree because I will freestyle with its parts and create something different.

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1. A little green sprout brings life to our tiny pot.

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2. A tiny stem reaches up, with four fresh leaves unfurling.

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3. Spreading leaves catch the eye, hinting at the shape of things to come.

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4. This guy isn’t alone anymore. It’s got two new buddies sprouting up right beside it.

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5. At this point, the elder plant is getting thicker in the stem and has a whole bunch of leaves now.

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6. For the stems, the two young ones are getting thicker, with the mature plant growing dark in color.

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7. All three plants have reached maturity. It’s a lush and lively scene!

DIY Hacks and Creativity

The vibe of your pot plant is all in the stems and leaf layout. Whether you’re into the tall and short look or lean and stout, bushy or bare – it’s all about the mix and match. But here’s another point: it’s how you bring stems and leaves together that counts.

Stem Styling: The Art of Trunk

The possibilities for your stem’s style are endless: think long, short, thick, thin, curly, or straight. And even consider the aspect of the number. So put on your thinking cap and let those ideas flow!

If what’s in your mind is a plant with single or double short stems, look at this:

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To keep it from getting too dull, you might want to toss in some slender branches for a bit of variety.

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Or maybe you wanna grow a plant that reaches for the sky, way taller than it looks in the picture below.

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Do you like seeing stems all twisted together, like a money tree?

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However, allowing each stem to grow wild might also be a good choice.

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Connecting Stems and Leaves

Sure, due to the part limits, the ways stems and leaves can connect are a tad on the limited side. But let’s be real, “limited” is just another word for “challenge accepted”. I‘ve shown some typical ways to connect in the following images. And believe me, there are plenty of possibilities more to be had.

After checking out the tricks above, are you feeling eager to give it a go? If you don’t have one yet or want to build a spectacular plant with more exclusive parts, buy our Money Tree set now with a discounted offer:

Shop at our official online store for worldwide buyers, get it at $44.99

(Use code A4XVY6VK for a 15% discount, non-sale items only)

Visit our Amazon US store, get it at $44.94

Visit our Amazon DE store, get it at €45.99

To Conclude

Actually, I haven’t mentioned DIYing the plant pot in the article, but that’s a path worth exploring, don’t you think? If you’ve got any more questions or fresh DIY ideas, feel free to drop them in the comments!

Picture of JMB-Samon


My fascination with building blocks isn't just about creating structures, but about the stories each piece can tell. For me, building blocks are a way of expressing my inner world.

37 Responses

  1. I could create so many Money Tree variations, which would be impossible with living plants unless I had a greenhouse full of them. Butterfly Orchid Bonsai is beautiful. No need for watering.

  2. These are such great ideas for reworking the Money Tree! Is it possible to attach flowers from other sets to the core pieces of the Money Tree to make flowering trees?

  3. I always build a set firsr by the book and then try to put my own twist on things. I really do think this set needs some more color to it!

  4. Your very welcome and thank you!!! I have so many friends & family members that are going to love these. My new go-to for gifts!

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